AUSTIN, TEXAS – Taking a break from my business conference.
And look what I discovered:

Real, authentic, 100% pure, American Southern slang!
Here’s how it works:
You + all = y’all
So if you visit Texas, you might hear someone ask you and your wife/husband/poodle, “Where ya’ll from?”
Some slang makes people sound stupid. But “ya’ll”, in my opinion, is an exception.
I think it sounds nice.
And I say it all the time.
But should you?
Because learning slang is like learning how to slam dunk the basketball before you learn to tie your shoes.
First, learn the basics. Understand the words native speakers use every day. And master the words that will make you sound smart, educated and successful.
Words like:
“To elect” and “to object”, “a unit” and “a facility.”
What’s that? You don’t know these words?
Well then…
Join Sticky Stories and master these and seven new words every week.
And you can do it for less than one Euro per lesson.
But these words disappear from the members’ area Sunday night.
So get them now before they’re gone.
Here’s the link:
And I’ll talk to ya’ll soon.