Guess what I just did?
I practiced the piano.
Not because my piano teacher made me.
Not because my mom made me.
And not because I’m overflowing with discipline.
I did it just because I wanted to.
Resolutions Are For Quitters
This is the time of year when people try to make changes.
And they do make changes.
The problem is, the changes don’t last.
They quit.
This week, let’s talk about how to make changes that last forever.
I gave you the first lesson in the piano story.
Do you see it?
good new year, I would like to speak english very well at the end of this year, when I will ready to write my poetry in english, this is a good goal, so I follow you here, first step vocabulary, at the same time I am looking for job out of Italy where I need to speak english to live. In any case, I will be citizen in your village
Well, as I see and as you suggest, these changes, in the other words resolutions must be your ideas not the others ( mom, teachers, friends ) and you may have fun with it, not to make it from discipline.
So…spread your wings and try to explore!
You learn better if you like that what you are learning.
Practicing the piano will be successful because you do it with joy and love. If you love doing something and it brings you joy, stick with it and it will lead to success.
Hello, As you can see, Mr. Ryan acts, not promises…
Hello, I supose you refere to make atomatic certain acts, wihich is esencial to linguistic funtion.
I’ve to ask is it easy or difficult?
If you choose to do something – practice, for examble playing the paino or English – and you enjoy doing it, it opens the way to success in what you do.