Quick quiz:
Who do you think would be the best chess player?
Person A) “I’ve watched more chess.”
Person B) “I have a bigger IQ.”
Person C) “I’ve played more chess.”
The aswer…
Person A.
According to the book “Peak: Secretes From The New Science Of Expertise,” the grandmasters of chess are not smarter than amateur players and they don’t play more than amateur players. What they do differently is spend “countless hours studying games played by the masters.”
When they do this, they’re creating memories.
They’re learning to recognize patterns.
So when they do play, they have a feeling of “I’ve seen this before…”
And isn’t that what you want to do with English?
Do you want to speak correctly because you’re smarter and can remember more grammar rules?
Or do you want to speak correctly (and easily) because… it just feels correct.
If feels like you’ve heard it before.
Because you have.
You’ve spent countless hours listening to native speaker English (i.e. the masters).