You want to improve.
More words… fewer mistakes…
I get it. (translation: I understand)
Then you see a YouTube video that promises: “I will teach you 34 1/2 verb tenses in seven minutes.”
“Wow!” you think.
So you click.
You watch.
And then, during your next conversation, you make 34 1/2 mistakes in under seven minutes.
“What’s going on?!”
Here’s what I recommend…
Step One: Stop clicking!
Information does NOT equal ability.
Did Michael Jordan become the best basketball player in the world because he got the best grades at basketball school?
No, of course not.
So stop giving the talking grammar books on YouTube your clicks!
Step Two: Click on something else.
Whatever you LOVE to watch.
Love crime? Sports? News? History? Cryptocurrency?
Then click on those videos.
Watch them in English and you will:
- be more interested
- watch more
- learn more
interest = time = learning
Make sense?
Now go practice your new clicking skills.
I watch Mel Robbins podcasts 🙂
I love to watch tennis on You tube. 30 years ago, I started to attend Boris Becker, now I am a fans of Carlos Alcaraz
I watch some videos on YouTube and listen to some podasts because I need to understand English to be able to speak it in conversation. If I don’t understand, I can’t start talking because I feel lost.
I am lisening podcast in my dead time, i like Real survival stories. I don’t understand all but i lisen it every day😉
I watch ballet whenever I have time for myself.
Ow, I love ballet too! It didn’t get to me that there can be enaugh talking to help me to understand English! Thank you for the tip!
I love science articles; today, for example I clicked a Guardian article that related about a research of an US University about people who rise up early in the morning they may inherited neanderthals genes during the waves of human migration from Africa to Eurasia when people were pressed to adapt to the winter short days. Neanderthals who were living about many thousands years to this climate were already adapt.
II clicked also Five minutes English BBC
Today I worked/was busy all day and it was the main reason that I didn’t listen to any videos, Podcasts I liked in the past, when my English was worse and it was before Mr Vig course. Now in Vig Village during chats I have a lot of conversations in English and it is enough for me. Regards
I had not watch the Youtube but I love to surf on facebook. l usually find some comedy of pictures ( joke pictures karikatures) with conversations in cloud. The cloud shows the text of conversation. It like me them but i do not understand one or two ask or answer in my native language. I do not laugh. But it is learning too.
Of course it helps too, whatever are you doing for learning English, but try to do things which you can at least partially understand and find funny. It helps remember the words, do you remember that advice from the course?
I watch Cesar Millans video. He is a dog whisper.
I used watch dogs videos(principaly puppies)and I listen music sometimes
Dears, if to be honest with you, I like Podcasts of Fabio Cerpelloni. He is Italian and speaks with a nice accent and I understand all that he says! That’s fantastic and by listening to him I am proud of myself)
Does he (Fabio) speak English or Italian?
I too understand the non-native English speakers talking english better. their pronounciation is more understandable to me, but it is not the correct pronounciation and accent. I think it is not really helping us understand the correct english
I like watch CNN & BBC for news and You tube for many reviews about new technologies,in English but I can’t understand all.
I too sometimes try to watch BBC and CNN, but they talk too fast for me to understand, and I am dissapointed in myself and discouraged then. So it doesn’t really help me.
I watch sports videos every day
I watch cryptocurrency videos everyday on YouTube channel “Coin brueau”. It owns by Guy.
I like listening Send7′ news and Vig’Power Stories. Sometimes I watch videos with pilates excercieses and listen podcast about our body.
You do? I really admire you for understanding them ! I do exercising courses by J (J?) Sansonite almost daily, but I have problems to understand, so I mostly exercise by watching her and repeating what she’s doing.
It’s Leslie Sansonite
Not very much. Rarely I´ve been looking for simples stories that I can understand. I have clicked on Luke Thompson`s podcast, stories about his personal life and his various interviews. Sometimes I have clicked English through story. I´m not cabable of more… yet.
I watch two things on youtube: morningroutine exercises in no native English and music mostly in English.
some short videos from ‘Sherlock’ series
I saw a lot to the war in Gaza strip
Thanks a lot!!!!!
Healthy lifestyle
Thank you for your advices, they usually are usiful. For me, in this moment I like Beatles videos, about their songs and their lives.
I watched a movie on Netflix
I love to watch videos abaut animals, cats, dogs and so on. It is interesting and often touches my heart.
Hello everybody Since I graduated from university. I feel that the English is cuticle for every doctor and now I understood that you are the best teacher with best methods.thanks
I like watching Netflix. This week I watched the series about the Crown royal family.
I´m interested in Law. So, I follow available records of conferences, webinars and others legal meetings. This enables me to improve my English and to develop my professional skills.
I listened to Phil Collins “You’ll Be in My Heart” today, but I didn’t understand much. After that, with subtitles, I understood it much better.
I look online or on TV for talks or lectures about fundamental life issues.
I love the movies and the article
I watch Friends and i listen Mel Robins podcast…
I watch Netflix every day when I’m cooking and now I need it every day : it’s my drug!
I am watching and writing what am I listened, many videos in English language for 8 years in YouTube, Many yogi’s, Tony Robins, Bruce Lipton, Joe Dispenza,… I watched Tv NHK over 2 years. But I didn’t speak in English unfortunately. I didn’t find opportunity to speak in English. I understood, if you are not speaking you can’t write and speak VERY well.
I listen every morning to AJ Hoge’s podcast in Spotify, while driving to work.I like it very much because the told stories has many advices, are interisting and help me not only for English but also for things in life.
I like watching the TV channel “World”. Almost of it’s the content, witch is very interesting and useful as knowledge of the world, is understandable for me. I like this way for learning English. Unfortunately I don’t dare yet to talk to native speakers.
I get it what I will do to improve the English language:
interest = time = learning
More information on youtube are not usefull and doesnt equal ability
Hi everyone, i love music so, i try to understand words and meaning. And, if I have opportunity, I talk to people whenever I am.
I read what I find interesting : sometimes television, movies, Facebook in English,