How many hours of video were just uploaded to youtube?
The answer: 300.
And that’s not 300 hours yesterday.
That’s 300 hours in the last 60 seconds!
Yes, 300 hours of video are uploaded to youtube every minute!
And since there are already probably a million English teacher videos on there, does the world really need another one?
My answer for the past few years was always “No.”
I figured, Well, I already uploaded three videos. It took a lot of time. I couldn’t figure out the focus on two of them. And I got zero students as a result.
So why bother with more?
Then… I met my newest student.
“How did you find me?” I asked.
“Youtube,” he said.
Thus, I present to you, my newest, and not last, youtube video:
(But this one is much better than all those other videos. I promise.)
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