Thank you for sharing your Aussie English on the blog.
Isn’t it interesting how English changes?
It’s like twins who grow up together and then move to different countries.
That’s the real lesson.
Sure, words are important.
But when you’re interested in something, it solves a lot of problems.
I meet a ton of students every month.
It’s unusual that I meet someone who is interested — in the language, in the culture, in people — and who has been stuck for a long time.
If you want to improve your English, increase your interest.
Want More?
You’re reading Vitamin V because you need stronger English.
Here are two ways I can help you:
If You Are Ready To Speak…
Join Vig Village!
Inside Vig Village you can practice speaking as much as you want and never leave your couch.
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If You Are Not Ready To Speak…
Get my new vocabulary course!
Words are the foundation of speaking.
When you have more words, speaking becomes MUCH easier.
Go here to learn more:
Not only English changes, but all languages change time to time and we have to adapt..Maybe there is something positive in all these things, I ‘m so corious, let’s found it!