Yesterday I showed you a sign.
It was a sign in my building with five English mistakes.
And I asked you to send your suggestions for a rewrite.
Thanks to everyone who wrote.
I have chosen the best.
Michaela sent this:
“Do not use the garden during quiet hours (20.30 – 09.00). In case of infringement we will call Prague Municipal Police.”
Much better!
I would just add one small word, “the” in front of “police.”
Or even better, leave out the second sentence.
Will someone really call the police?
Will the police actually come?
“Hello, this is the police. What is your emergency?”
“Hello, there’s a man in the garden.”
“What is he doing?”
“He’s smoking a cigarette and looking at his phone.”
“Ok, ma’am. Try to stay calm. We’ll send a helicopter and some men with dogs right away.”
Yeah, I don’t believe it.
At least they could have used “please” and “thank you.”
Because as Al Capone once said, “You can get more with a nice word and a gun than you can with a nice word.”
Your Next Challenge
Well that was fun.
Want to keep going?
Here’s another sign in my building.
This one made me laugh.
Do you know how to fix it?
I can see six mistakes.