Last week I had a zoom call with an Aussie.
The first thing he said to me was, “How you going?”
I had never heard that before.
But do you know what my reply was?
“Good. How are you going?”
My first Australian sentence!
No teacher. No text book. No dictionary. No school.
Just listen and repeat.
Sometimes it’s that easy.
I Learned a New Word!
According to one Vitamin V reader who has visited Australia, “arvo” is Australian “afternoon.”
I did not know that…
What are some Australian (or New Zealand) words you’ve learned?
Share on the blog!
And we’ll continue this tomorrow.
One another conversation start there is ‘Oi mate’ what means ‘Hi dude’.
I’m not interesting to go there and learn bad English. There are many better places on the Planet…
It’s easy to learn by imitation!
My brother lives in New Zeeland. he says CAPSICUM, instead paprika. He and his wife had a lot of problems with that word during they stay in New York. They both love paprika, and nobody understood what they want to eat.
That’s intetesting. I know that American and Britain English are different
In Croatia we also say “How are you going?” So, it was not surprise, only I didn’t know it comes from
Australian English.
But, Aussie was for me a name. And then I saw an article “an” in front of a name. That doesn’t go together, I was sure it was not a mistake.
So, I had to do a little Google research.
I don’t want! I don’t want to learn that Down Under thinking by accident if I repeat what I heard.
Is it better to say “I don’t want to accidentally learn that Down Under thinking if I repeat what I heard.” Languages and spirituality aren’t my things.