I see them all the time.
I see them all over the world.
And sometimes I ask you to help me correct them.
But today, I saw a sign that’s really a mystery.
Have a look:
The mystery word is “corns.”
In English you can eat corn.
You can boil two pieces of corn.
And you can go to the doctor to ask him to heal the corns on your feet.
But what is this store selling?
Well, I had to go inside and ask.
I’ll tell you what they said.
But first, I want you to tell me what you think they said.
Click the button below to jump over to the blog, tell me what you think “corns” means, and we’ll continue tomorrow with…
The Prague Corns Mystery!
Pop corns, may be…..
I think it will be alcohol (vodka) 🥂😜
Something to eat like corn flakes, pop corn etc
Maybe different kinds of nuts.
Yes,I think popcorn ….
I think it’s food. Popcorns
I think, they have a big secret. They corns a meat that lies to long.
Hi. I hope they are not selling The corns in this store. They are pain in the a.. and they hurts. But I like The corn while I’m watching a movie 🎬..
Have a great evening.
In Germany they use the word for Korn for light clear and strong alkcohol drinks. Another German word is Schnaps, I think its also used in English as schnapps?
Corns are guts of pig(it’s típical food in Spain)
Yes that’s truth !
Maybe is something that suits with wine , beer absinth, whisky…. pop corn or corn flakes, perhaps?
It could be souvenir corns? I don’t know…
Maybe some grain…so…a lot of bottle at that picture 🤭, really…its some strong alcohol, witch is made from grain😅🤣😅.
I could not associate any item on the picture with corns. May be cups, small soldiers or small bottles with alcohol.
I think it’s a grain schapps – in Germay it’s called „Korn“
I typed “corns” in my Reverso App and I found some exemples :
The pepper corns are only sun dried.
The red corns are picked one by one on the bunch.
The traduction in french would be “grains” like “grains de raisin” but in english you only have one word : grape. ( So sorry for using a dictionary )
I think they probably easily confused “corns” with “seeds”.
corned beef???
Might be about corks not corns. Since the store sells souvenirs corks might be a kind of souvenir to close a bottle.
Corns usually refers to maize or snacks, but if it can also mean hardened skin on your feet it is perhaps from walking to buy them.
At least the walk helps burn calories ♡ maybe it is a cycle of habit.
kuří oka
I think it could be something like “corn dogs”
Souvenir in a shape of corn….that’s my be it !!!!
I suppose they mean a whole grain biscuits and desserts.
In Lithuania we have short chrunchy sticks with sugar powder made from corn dough, so maybe it is something similar 🙂
Iam not sure but I think it be pop corn perhaps
Maybe snacks?
I think popcorn
Snacks made out of corn like corn chips, corn flakes, popcorn?
Hallo Mr Vig,
according to opinien the owner thought of different varieties of alkoholik grain drink.
It mean perhaps Corn in plural.
I just had another idea : maybe they sell different types of alcohol made from corn … there are 6 actually… so they used plural
Hi, I think the store sells corn chips. Because in Czek republik and the same in Slovak republik people very like chips made from corn with ground peanuts. It is salty snack. But, maybe store just thought popcorn. I really like that.
What will they say? “I don’t know, I didn’t put it there “
I think they want to say popcorn, not a sore toe caused by uncomfortable shoes (what is the meaning of “corns” I think)
I believe he mentioned corn vodka and other beverages made from corn
Whatever they mean by that word … we´ll probably find out today.. its probably something about corn, right? But I now know what word “corns” actually means in English.
There are spirits in Germany with the name korn. It consists of grain.
There is a metal- band now in California, founded in England, which is called Corn. And in Germany there is a liquor called Korn. You can see the liquor bottles in the shop-window. So I think, that’s what is meant🤔
corn hat 3 meanings
Maybe it’s about alcohol beverages made of corn.
I think it’s about cereals.
Pop corn
Something we can eat, small packs may be
Hi I think it is popcorn
I think it can be alkohol i Germany we have corn «korn» snaps . 😁