Last week I was in London.
I learned what “fly tipping” means.
I learned to never get out of a taxi/Uber/Bolt without seeing your phone in your hand.
And I also learned…
People Will Always Want To Meet People
The reason I went to London was to attend a meeting for entrepreneurs.
The big topic the first morning was AI (artificial intelligence, in case you’ve been living under a rock).
People want to know if it will hurt their businesses.
And they want to know how to make money from it.
The leader of our group made a good point.
First, we don’t know what will happen; these days are very much like the ‘90s when the internet was new.
Second, the more people replace humans with robots, the more people will want to meet with and talk to real people.
I agree.
I’m already seeing that in my own community: Vig Village.
Inside Vig Village, members meet online inside Zoom rooms and get to know other members.
There are morning meetings and evening meetings, weekday meetings and weekend meetings.
Some members meet every day, others meet once or twice a week.
We even meet in-person several times a year.
Our next meeting will be in July in Sofia.
Then we’ll meet in Gdansk in August.
Then maybe in Italy in September.
If you want to improve your English by speaking with friendly humans from around the world, then you should join us.
Thanks for,,amazing information ! They are intresting!
I like reading your messages. It is thanks to you that I have recently started to read easy readings in English. But I still can’t speak English. Maybe in autumn.
I think internet, facebook, AI are a good servant but a bad master. Have a great time.
My opinion about artificial intelligence is that it must be reconfigured to serve humans, that is, for medical ends wich containes ethic procedures, making to the pacients participites in the process, with a complete & claire information. By the moment that’s the first step for continues on good development & correct direction to other aplications that facilites our Natural Live
I like very much the song named “People” of “IL VOLO” singers: – People who need people are the luckiest people in the world…
You saw the future in London, and was it pink or was it black or gray…?
Who promise us that because of this permanent state of hungry for money entrepreneurs and other people will not use the negative side of AI like are used atomic energy and genetic manipulation? Nobody promises and realise it…And I’m afraid that man is still a kid playing with dangerous toys..
Maybe negative AI is already used and we don’t know…What about innocent people?We didn’t find out yet the total effects of Internet and computers; there are many kids developing a dependence by cellular phone and computer associated with various syndrome and becoming a sort of ” biorobots”
Sorry for pessimistic but these are a few problems…
Very true.
Thank you!
Thanks to be a part of your village community … people really need to speak to each other …. we have to return to this our common habit….
HI Ryan!
You saw the future in London??
What colour was it. ??
White,Pink,or black??
When we manage to use at least 40% of our brain
I think we will control in our interest
I am 61 years old and i want to learn english. I want to speak and understand. I want to listen movies and comunication with people. I want to learn new things gron internet. I start to learn english 1 year ago but i think that i cant to understand other people and i cant to speak. I afraid that i cant. This word is in my mind. I dont know if there is somithing to help me to learn english. We have a nice day!