“How do Americans celebrate Christmas?”
That’s what one Vitamin V reader wants to know.
The short answer is, I don’t know.
There are a lot of us.
We live in a lot of different place.
And we believe lots of different things.
But there’s one thing we all agree on.
Christmas is the time for…
Christians, Muslims, Jews, Zoastrians — even American Satanists agree — ’tis the season to buy stuff.
And what are we buying?
According to this Amazon search, we are buying: rechargeable AI hand warmers, Trump socks, the book “Learn A Lot While You Sit On The Pot,” and a lot of other very useful items.
Have a look here: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=top+2024+christmas+gifts&hvadid=715352350006&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9007591&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=7400734205538639073&hvtargid=kwd-2250626553574&hydadcr=1749_13697253&tag=googhydr-20&ref=pd_sl_4kt52hod4y_e
And if Mr. Vig could bring you anything this Christmas, from Amazon or anywhere else, what would you like?
Jump over to the blog and tell me!
I would like to Santa Claus to make a spell in this magic night of Christmas, for all the traders to be in the state to buy their own stuff at their own price…
Have a wonderful Christmas ,Ryan!
Greatings Dear Mr Vig,
At this christmas i have nothing to give Just myself.
I used things from the nature for decoration like pine brunches, i made bows on it and i just bought candle.
Shopping is not Just spending money, shopping is vote for to the seller aswell. Christmas is good time to help others and be closer in deeper magic joy with all religion and without religion also, so every human everywhere. Now Im the human who need help, i hope i can ask it.
Merry Christmas to you Dear Mr Vig
My winter or Christmas fairy tale, like the most beautiful woman of the world, is the peace in the world, really….
Christmas is about being grateful for everything God has given us, not about shopping. That’s why God drove the merchants out of the temple.
I Ithink that you would give a course as a gift
Definitely not things. This year, only one wish- on behalf of all present and future generations – peace troughout the world
We need peace in the world, there are so many death , struggle and atack on the civilians. Materalistic things don’t account.
I whish you a merry CHRISTMAS
Christmas for me is the precious time I share with my family – I don’t need to buy many things . It would be wonderful if everybody could have a Christmas with peace and love .
If Mr VIG could bring me something magic for this Christmas, I would like to make an enormous progress in English 😀!
Merry Christmas 🎄 🎁 to you and your family, Rayan!
’tis the season to buy stuff ?
The Christmas time is not about shopping!!!!
I would like Mr.Vig to continue to bring in the next 2025 year a lot of inspiring and helpful English lessons, and, if he has a magical power – to bring powerful partnership between the U.S. and EU.
As for wishes – I would like to be healthy, happy and speak English well. And for the world I would like stable peace, no diseases and human decency in behavior. Sounds like a fairy tale, huh?
Hi Ryan. This year i would like to make a giant step in English, and i wish also all things that you couldn’t buy like love, happiness, money not to buy some unnecessary stuffs, but to travel and meet different culture,…. inner peace and feel stronger. Happy Christmas eve Ryan. All the best for all the members of VV.
My little 4-year-old grandson came to me and said : Don’t you know, grandma, that Christmas is all about Jesus Christ? So Merry Christmas everyone❤️🙏!