Imagine this…
You’re in a business meeting with an important client…
This client spends millions of dollars with your company every year.
He asks you a question.
You understand everything except… one word!
It’s an important word.
And you don’t want to tell everyone you don’t know what it means.
Your boss is looking at you…
The client is waiting…
What do you do?
Start looking for another job?
Jump out the window?
This is what happened to Tanto from Indonesia.
His company imports foreign products from around the world, including from the U.S. and U.K.
That means lots of international clients; and international clients means lots of English during meetings.
For a while, Tanto tried to survive these meetings by being quiet and not asking questions.
But when clients started asking him questions, he couldn’t ignore the problem any longer.
He needed to stay calm in meetings, he needed to understand many accents, and he needed the words to come out easier and faster.
First, he tried reading a grammar book.
Of course, that didn’t help.
So he started to look around for a different solution.
That’s when he got an email from me.
I invited him to practice his speaking with other students online.
At first, he was nervous to make mistakes in front of strangers.
But his job was important, so he tried.
Right away, he met friendly students from around the world who all had the same problem and the same desire — they needed better English and they needed more speaking practice.
Now you can find Tanto online every weekend chatting and having fun in English.
And how are the client meetings now?
I asked Tanto for an update yesterday.
Here’s his answer:
“I can understand 100 % in every single business meeting that I have.”
That gave me a big smile…
How will I join speaking chat room with other students. I have registered with me vig already. Can you send me the link and the time of the meeting.