Did you hear the news?
A bomb exploded yesterday in the center of Istanbul.
Several people died.
Many more were injured.
It looks like it was a terrorist attack.
The location of the explosion was a busy shopping street called Istiklal Avenue
The time of the explosion was 4:20 p.m.
At around 3:30 I went for a walk.
Soon I was on Istiklal Avenue
There were so many people!
I don’t take a lot of photos when I travel, but I took this one at 3.50
Then I turned right and started walking in the direction of the bomber.
Fifteen minutes before the explosion I saw a cinema.
I went inside but couldn’t find a schedule in English, so I went back onto the street.
I continued walking toward the bomber.
Ten minutes before the explosion I saw a book shop.
I went inside.
Of course, I found the foreign language section.
Nothing special.
They’re the same all over the world.
I was about to go back out onto the street when I spotted this:
A giant box of English!
Well, that was something I had never seen before.
I picked it up.
I read the back.
I started to think of how I could turn this discovery into a Vitamin V lesson.
Meanwhile, outside…
Wow !!
You are really lucky guy 🙏
It is a sign that English safes you from bad experience 🙏
Poor people who had injuries but lucky survived 🙏
There is a happy spirit inside your live.. Thanks for your message and the picture! Good Luck further on your way!
It is very good sign. With English we can really solved everything:). Good Luck.
Hi, I’m from Turkey and I live in Istanbul. We are so sorry for this teror attack. We are all mope and angry. In such cases, our internet connection is restricted and we cannot receive news.
I’m sorry you experienced this too
Interesting. I had trouble using my VPN today. Is that why?
I’m glad you’re okay!
I am very sorry for the injured and the relatives of the dead. 🙁
Thank God, He was taking care of you
English book saved your life. Great!
Today wasn’t your day, our God helped you.
Anyway, Istanbul is an amazing town with an incredible mix of different cultures.
And the Bosforo is something special, it’s a bridge between Europe and Asia continents.
Yes, I still love Istanbul! It’s an incredible place.
Pay God. You are a lucky man.
Congrats! We lived in Istanbul for 3 yrs and it is beautiful, but some sad incidents may happen there. However, it means something that an English book can also save lives.. Take care! The bad guys will go under for some time now…
Ryan, no place in the World is safe enough. I am very sorry but I am very glad about your lucky.
It is not yet time to leave this world. Thank God,
A lucky man! You will live very long!
I am! And I hope so.
This book saved your life.
Lucky you
It’s very nice your in live.
Dear honorable teacher your lucky.
Istanbul is one of the most beautiful city in the word but one of the most insecure one. Along the years 1997, 2015, 2016 there were many attacs with bombs and many victims. It was a relative period of quiet a few years. You are a lucky man and incredible, indeed, the English books box and your preocupation for Vitamin V were your salvation. But unfortunately now we cross in the Black Sea zone a very insecure period – war, bombs. Who knows what will be in the near future. Have a peaceful stay in Istanbul from now on!
Thank you. Yes, I recently learned about the previous attacks. I didn’t pay attention before. But things get more interesting the closer they become.
it is alack of fertun that yiu are safe and alive I love Istanbul just Incectovsee the buty of this city’ but unfortunately Since 2022Uam stuck in pakistan Nd it maky me very sad .meanwhile I am happy to have yiur rnail and english lessons eith my self and in spare time I want to study english and im my english.thanks dear.
Wow you are lucky . You had survived of the terriorist attack. We are very sorry and its unfair about the people died and the people injured . May will never be again these terrible facts
We wish will never happen again these terrible facts