“What’s up?”
That was the question I asked my student in September 2004.
I was a new teacher.
They looked at me like I was speaking Japanese.
“Well this is going to be interesting,” I thought.
20 Years Teaching
This month marks my 20th anniversary as an English teacher.
And to celebrate, I’m creating a new course, which I’ll offer to you at the end of the week for a special anniverary price.
Now, on to what I’ve learned in the last 20 years…
Textbooks vs. Native Speakers
I don’t know who wrote your text books, but it might have been someone who lives on an island.
Because that’s not how native speakers talk!
The textbooks tell students to say, “Good afternoon, madam.” “How do you do, kind sir?” “Pleased to make your acquaintance.”
And American native speakers say, “What’s up?”
And English native speakers say, “You all right?”
So flush your textbook down the toilet, and pay attention to what native speakers say.
How many textbooks should be flushed down the toilet. Oh my God, how many years have we been taught languagse incorrectly. These textsbooks taught us things that we couldn’t use and couldn’t undersatand what the natives were saying
How can I sign up for classes with you?
Years of our time were wasted with these textbooks
I like when native speakers say “How are you today?” or “Everything is ok for you?”😊
Yeah, I get it!
Simple and concise,, ” what’s up”?
Yes this is every day speaking course, but if you work in office you need English gramar anyway.. so fast learning with native speaking is ok …with learning new words and reading english book
We live in different era than forty, fifty or more years back when textbook was in use everywhere. So, now it is understandable to pay attention to what native speakers say.
I think American English is simpler than British English !
I have a clogged toilets now. What to do with this unexpected cosequence. Have a relaxed time.
I need speak fluently
Some people have told me (nicely) that I speak in a wonderfully oldfashioned way. So…
And..what the answer should be to “What’s up?”
Nothing… Everything ok.
Im very curious and look forward to the new course that you will present on friday.
Happy Birthday to the anniversary, and with the materials in the toilet we can already draw water